The logan 450 1 artist elite is a 40 101cm capacity base board mounted mat cutting system with parallel mat guide in aluminum channels 90 degree squaring bar 20 51cm removable measuring bar production stops hinging guide rail improved 701 1 straight cutter elite and pull style bevel cutter.
Logan 450 1 artist elite 40 mat cutter.
Logan 450 1 artist elite.
Includes a review and brief mat cutting demonstration.
A video demonstration of the logan 450 1 artist elite mat cutter.
Taking a look a my new logan 450 1 artist elite mat cutter.
40 artist elite mat cutter featuring heavy duty pull style cutter straight or bevel cuts 90 degree squaring bar cuts 2 or 4 ply board accepts optional glass cutter v groovers aluminum channels for photographers and framers.
I got a great christmas present.
Logan 450 1 artist elite mat cutter.
254 logan 450 1 elite semi pro mount cutter 40 101cm base the logan 450 1 has a 40 capacity base board mounted mat cutting system with parallel mat guide in aluminum channels 90 degree squaring bar 20 removable measuring bar production stops hinging guide rail improved 701 1 straight cutter elite and.
The logan 450 1 artist elite is a 40 101cm capacity base board mounted mat cutting system with parallel mat guide in aluminum channels 90 degree squaring bar 20 51cm removable measuring bar production stops hinging guide rail improved 701 1 straight cutter elite and pull style bevel cutter.
The first product to make the cut is logan s elite 450 1 artist mat cutter.
The ideal artists mat cutter has gotten an upgrade.
Logan 450 1 artist elite mat cutter.
As the name suggests it is the ideal mat cutter for artists.
Includes five logan 270 blades.
The 450 1 artist elite features a 40 board capable of cutting full 32 x 40 sheets of standard thickness matboard a hinged guardrail a mat guide for border widths from 3 4 to 5 1 2 and a heavy duty pull style bevel cutter with anti crawl pin.
This product is the largest on our list and features a cutting capacity of about 40 inches making it the perfect choice for all significant projects.
The 450 1 artist elite features a 40 board capable of cutting full 32 x 40 sheets of standard thickness matboard a hinged guardrail a mat guide for border widths from 3 4 to 5 1 2 and a heavy duty pull style.
4 7 out of 5 stars 66 reviews item.