Designed to provide exceptional performance and functionality.
Mactac floor graphics user guide.
New product line features mactac s most versatile adhesives offers performance and value.
Mactac films are your gateway to creativity they are perfectly suited to accomplish the most complex floor graphics either for branding or for decorative purposes creating a powerful visual identity on an unusual canvas both indoors and outdoors.
Expected durability the expected durability of the unprocessed product in central europe zone 1 is up to 2 5 years when used as vertical display indoor up to 3 months when used in the production of floor graphics indoor please refer to mactac floor graphics user guide.
03257 17 127 7kh lqirupdwlrq jlyhq dqg wkh uhfrpphqgdwlrqv pdgh khuhlq duh edvhg rq rxu uhvhdufk dqg duh eholhyhg wr eh dffxudwh exw qr jxdudqwhh ri wkhlu dffxudf ru frpsohwhqhvv lv pdgh q hyhu fdvh xvhu vkdoo ghwhuplqh ehiruh xvlqj dq surgxfw lq ixoo vfdoh surgxfwlrq ru lq dq zd.
Mactac s streetrap was especially designed for promotional applications on outdoor floors.
Mactac europe boulevard kennedy b 7060 soignies.
Products and applications for graphic designers news.
Offering superior protection against scuffing abrasion moisture and uv light permacolor.
Search window graphic products.
M dot floor matte white vinyl pvc dot adhesive pattern 54 x 82 md128fw54l82 adhesive category.
Mactac self adhesive material respond to emerging customer requirements within the graphic decoration industry mactac graphics.
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New perspectives on communication.
Solvent free skin friendly industrial foam and medical tapes aid the medical community.
Mactac floor graphics for the roll label market are developed for a wide variety of indoor surfaces such as standard tile vinyl linoleum terrazzo ceramic tile smooth sealed concrete and hardwood floors.
Mactac overlaminates keep floor graphics looking sharp from initial application to removal.
Protective diagnostic equipment tapes.
Testing for suitability is required.