The assault rifle part is underpowerd and has a painful reload time whilst you cannot carry enough grenades with it only 12.
M4 203 killing floor.
карабін m4 це штурмова гвинтівка для двох перків представлені дві модифікацій в killing floor.
The primary fire functions like an assault rifle while the alternate fire uses the underslung grenade launcher to fire explosives.
The damage bonuses of the.
The m16 m203 assault rifle is one of the demolitionist s tier 3 weapons.
The m4 203 also called the m203 is a demolitions weapon in killing floor.
Brett1890 u e jan 12 2013 12 07pm m4 203 is there any use.
The m16 m203 assault rifle is a demolitionist weapon in killing floor 2.
The m4 203 is an assault rifle the m4 to be exact with an underslung grenade launcher attachment.
When buying ammunition at the trader you need to purchase the assault rifle and grenade ammo separately.
But i don t want to write it off as a bad.
The m16 m203 assault rifle is the demolitionist s tier 3 weapon.
As a part of multi perk weapon system m16 m203 assault rifle also belongs to the arsenal of commando.
The first is a scoped variant listed as a commando weapon the second featuring no scope and a m203 grenade launcher is listed as a demolition perk weapon.
It is an m4 assault rifle with an attached grenade launcher.
It weighs the same as the m4 and so choosing between this and the latter is simply a question of money this costing 2500 more.
Like other explosive shells the grenade must travel a certain distance to arm itself or it won t explode.
перший варіант має коллиматорного приціл і відноситься до перка коммандос другий не має приціл коліматора але має.
The m4 203 is generally regarded as a useless weapon.
Both function the same for the commando perk save for the bonus damage scope total ammo reserve and grenade launcher who also receives discounts.
As a part of multi perk weapon system m16 m203 assault rifle also belong to the arsenal of commando.
The grenades function like those of the m79 and m32 dealing the same damage and exploding on impact.