Low floor high ceiling tasks are those that all students can access but can be extended to high levels taken from you cubed.
Low floor high ceiling tasks 1st grade.
10 number puzzles requiring students to think outside the box.
But these tasks have lots of possibilities.
These rich problems have the following characteristics.
Low floor high ceiling worksheet activities to encourage love of math and number connections.
Middle level math teacher math curriculum leader other present a problem.
Low threshold high ceiling tasks are activities that everyone in a group can begin and then work on at their own level of engagement.
Each problem has a goal number and 8 nu.
Low floor high ceiling who s in the room.
A low threshold high ceiling task is one which is designed to be mathematically accessible and to have built in extension opportunities.
Target one thousand in grade 3 unit 4 is another great example of a low floor high ceiling task.
Step back and let the learning happen provide a variety of materials to explore with observe ask.
Brainstorm a few possible ways to proceed let students explore.
A low threshold high ceiling lthc task offers the opportunity for everyone to get started and everyone to get stuck.
Low threshold high ceiling tasks are activities that everyone in a group can begin and then work on at their own level of engagement but which has lots of.
Students choose eight cards and arrange six of them to create two 3 digit numbers which are then added together to get as close to 1000 as possible either over or under.
Do not have a predetermined solution pathway in advance.
Low floor high ceiling tasks.
This resource contains 10 task cards with one problem each or 5 worksheets with 2 problems each.
In our article low threshold high ceiling an introduction we outline what we mean by low threshold high ceiling and why we like low threshold high ceiling tasks in this article we build on those ideas to discuss the key features of a low threshold high ceiling classroom.
Low floor high ceiling math problems have multiple entry points so they are accessible to all students but they can also be solved at higher levels.