In our article low threshold high ceiling an introduction we outline what we mean by low threshold high ceiling and why we like low threshold high ceiling tasks in this article we build on those ideas to discuss the key features of a low threshold high ceiling classroom.
Low floor high ceiling maths tasks.
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I believe the high ceiling low floor phrase comes from jo boaler but i heard about it via dan meyer.
The ultimate low floor high ceiling math task tweet last spring when i was doing the mathematical mindsets book study i wrote a lot about rich mathematical tasks that all students can access but that also keep going or growing for students who need more challenge.
The low floor high ceiling tasks preferred are those that are also.
Tic tac toe is an example of a game with a low floor.
Low floor high ceiling tasks are those that all students can access but can be extended to high levels taken from you cubed.
Require an inquiry approach when solving.
By definition a lfhc task is a mathematical activity where everyone in the group can begin and then work on at their own level of engagement.
Lfhc tasks allow students work at different paces and take work to different depths at different times.
Low floor high ceiling tasks are those that all students can access but that can be extended to high levels.
In other words everyone can get started and everyone can get stuck.
The floor tells us how easy it is to get going with the task.
Low floor high ceiling math problems have multiple entry points so they are accessible to all students but they can also be solved at higher levels.
A low threshold high ceiling lthc task offers the opportunity for everyone to get started and everyone to get stuck.
A low floor means it s easy for everyone to get on board.
A low threshold high ceiling task is one which is designed to be mathematically accessible and to have built in extension opportunities.
These rich problems have the following characteristics.
These tasks are important because all classes are heterogeneous.
Do not have a predetermined solution pathway in advance.
Low floor high ceiling tasks.
Low floor high ceiling tasks work for everyone.