A low flow filter is vital to ensure that the fish s delicate fins are not injured by the suction of a filter.
Lots of food on betta s tank floor.
Most people don t realize that betta are tropical fish dr.
Myths exist regarding live foods causing constipation and bloating.
These eel like oddball fish grow to about 3 5 inches long and are great scavengers for picking up any excess food your betta drops.
They have 2 sponge filters and a box filter.
This can happen but it s normally from a lack of fiber in the betta s diet or overfeeding.
With multiple terracotta pot plants containing live plants a cave and drift wood the tank is anything but minimal.
All you have to do is treat him for swim bladder disease and he should make a recovery.
I run bare bottom tanks including the female betta in her 68 litre 18 gallon with her tank mates of male endlers and pest snails.
I noticed that he s not very active today when i checked on him i noticed him laying on the floor of the tank.
With its five to six inch leaves this low growing plant is perfect for the midground of your planted betta tank.
Their tank needs to be kept within a distinct range of 76 f to 81 f.
Duckweed is an incredibly easy to grow aquatic plant that s perfect for creating a natural swampy vibe in your betta s tank.
If you notice your betta is just at the bottom of his tank floating upside down then it s most likely that he s suffering from swim bladder disease.
My male betta doesn t eat for a week when i move him to a new tank.
The best thing is just to put food in at normal feeding times and suck it out after an hour.
That s a lot of information to digest but as a betta keeper it is our responsibility to make sure they have a well balanced diet for optimal health.
I watched him for a little bit longer and he tried to swim up but it was like he can t swim and was having difficulty and just fell back to the bottom and was breathing heavily after wards.
Owners should measure the tank temperature with a thermometer.
Bettas really like to chase their food so a lot of times the will wait for it to start dropping before they eat it if they are paying attention.
Here s our top 5 list of favorite tank mates for you and your betta fish to enjoy.
Duckweed lemna minor care difficulty.
While betta fish do love hiding in display objects betta fish.