In lieu thereof the maximum floor area ratio permitted for commercial community facility and residential uses separately or in combination shall be as specified in the table in this section.
Lot coverage greater than floor area ratio.
For residential use the maximum lot coverage shall be 70 percent for interior or through lots and no maximum lot coverage shall apply to any corner lot.
Thehe optional quality housing regulations in r8 districts utilize height limits to produce lower high lot coverage buildings set at or near the street line.
A floor area ratio of 1 0 means that floor area may equal lot area.
The difference between the floor area ratio and lot coverage though the floor area.
With floor area ratio far equal to or greater than can be achieved using r8 height factor regulations the optional quality housing regulations produce new buildings in keeping with many of the city s established neighborhoods.
Far 5 0 means that the floor area may be up to five times as large as the lot area.
The floor area ratio is 0 22x or 17 350 divided by 78 843.
The far calculation will result in a building square footage of 13 000 20 000 x 0 65 square foot.
For example a 20 000 square foot commercial lot in the c b central business zone has a far of 0 65.
Though a floor area ratio affects volume shape and spacing of buildings on the land it does not determine a particular shape or spacing.
The entire lot is 1 81 acres or 78 843 square feet.
Different zoning districts have different lot coverage maximums.
The maximum allowed lot coverage is 50 in the r 1 zone and 40 in the r 1ld district.