The terms can also refer to limits imposed on such a ratio through zoning.
Lot coverage bellevue far floor area ratio.
The maximum allowed lot coverage is 50 in the r 1 zone and 40 in the r 1ld district.
Lot dimension lot area 100 x100 10 000 square feet how to calculate building coverage percentage structure dimension square footage house 30 x60 1 800 square feet garage 10 x12 120 square feet.
Floor area ratio far is the ratio of a building s total floor area gross floor area to the size of the piece of land upon which it is built.
Lot coverage calculations to show the area of all structures in relation to lot area.
Some patios most decks and all balconies as well as tall crawl spaces and high ceiling areas.
Lot coverage the percentage of lot area that is covered by impervious cover.
2 in subareas a b and e the applicable maximum basic floor area ratio of that portion of the zoning lot that is within the high line transfer corridor may be increased up to a maximum of 1 0 and the.
C in an o district north of factoria mall and directly adjacent to an f2 district any office building or any office portion of a building may have a floor area ratio greater than 0 50 not to exceed a floor area ratio of 0 75 far.
It is often used as one of the regulations in city planning along with the building to land ratio.
5 10 325 5 floor area ratio f a r the maximum permitted gross floor area allowed expressed as a percentage of the lot size gross floor area lot size f a r.
Floor area ratio far is the total square footage of all parts and all levels of all structures divided by the net lot area and results in a percentage.
1 minimum floor area ratios required to be transferred pursuant to section 98 30 high line transfer corridor inclusive before inclusionary housing floor area bonus can be utilized.
Jurisdiction floor area ratio lot coverage bellevue 50 far maximum for most new single family homes and additions adding more than 20 of gross floor area.
Include the gross square footage of the structures on the lot in relation to lot area.
Lot coverage is based on the lot area with the square footage of any critical areas and stream buffers subtracted.
For example if a 10 000 square foot building occupied a 20 000 square foot site its far would be expressed as 0 50 indicating that there is 1 square foot of building area for each two square feet of land area.
Floor area ratio calculations.
Floor area ratio or far is a measure of development intensity expressed as the ratio of gross building floor area to site area.
Houses may exceed 50 far if they implement design incentives including increased side setbacks and pitched roofs or second story stepbacks.
In this district the sliding far scale does not apply.
115 42 floor area ratio f a r calculation for detached dwelling units in low density residential zones and attached dwelling units in pla 3c 1.