The lord of the rings part i.
Lord of the rings quotes gandalf mines of moria.
The fellowship s journey the mines of moria it is a strange fate that we should suffer so much fear and doubt over so small a thing.
The fellowship of the ring gasps and heavy breathing echo in the darkness gandalf.
Such a little thing boromir looking at the ring.
Be on your guard.
Why i feel all thin sort of stretched if you know what i mean.
The fellowship of the ring quotes from the film.
Lord of the rings.
2989 upon balin s return to moria the book recounted a battle with the orcs that inhabited the old halls of khazad dûm in which balin s dwarves were victorious.
Moria you fear to go into those mines saruman sits in his study in orthanc reading a page in a book of lore written.
Gandalf stood in the middle of the span leaning on the staff in his left hand but in his other hand glamdring gleamed cold and white.
In the lord of the rings gandalf is the mentor and a wise wizard who provides guidance for frodo on his journey as well as bilbo before him in many ways he exemplifies the archetype of the wizard character and he is great at dispensing wisdom.
I don t look it but i am beginning to feel it in my heart of hearts.
The book of mazarbul was begun in t a.
They settled in the twenty first hall above the east gate and balin himself ruled his new domain from the old chamber of records also called the chamber of mazarbul.
His enemy halted again facing him and the shadow about it reached out like two vast wings.
I am old gandalf.
That can t be right.
We must face the long dark of moria.
Lord of the rings.
The fellowship of the ring.
We now have but one choice light appears from gandalf s staff showing the startled and frightened faces of the fellowship gandalf.
A great memorable quote from the lord of the rings.
Like butter that has been scraped over too much bread.
While gandalf is also extremely powerful as one of the few istari in middle earth his quotes filled with wisdom and insight are some of the most.
Let us go through the mines of moria in gandalf s eyes there is a shadow of doubt of fear that lies unsaid.
Let us go under it.
You know what they awoke in the darkness of khazad dum.
The dwarves delved too greedily and too deep.
You fear to go into those mines.
In the fiction of j.
I need a change or something j r r.