You and your partner are going to create a map of the island.
Lord of the flies island map.
Esperanza is near one of the world s best phosphorescent bays and location for the scenes of the 1960s movie lord of the flies.
This build is my interpretation of the island from the classic novel lord of the flies by william golding.
A great platform of pink granite thrust up uncompromisingly through forest and terrace and sand and lagoon to make a raised jetty four feet high the scar all round him.
Check out shmoop s visual take on what it s all about.
Lord of the flies island map.
I built the island as it would have looked at the end of the book after the children were evacuated and the damage they had caused was already done.
In the lord of the flies island map activity s tudents team up to create an annotated map of the island from lord of flies including important locations and events that help portray the novel s story visually.
Your goal is to use abstraction a computational thinking skill to determine which locations and events are most important in visually telling the story of lord of the flies.
Here the beach was interrupted abruptly by the square motif of the landscape.
The map includes many of the key events that took place throughout the book and are most.