This gcse english literature quiz takes a look at lord of the flies by william golding.
Lord of the flies island description extract.
Get free homework help on william golding s lord of the flies.
An extract from lord of the flies.
Book summary chapter summary and analysis quotes essays and character analysis courtesy of cliffsnotes.
Get an answer for please give a description of the island in william golding s lord of the flies and find homework help for other lord of the flies questions at enotes.
At first they work together and then fear sets in and evil takes over and the boys end up fighting a war amongst themselves.
The narrator in the coral island is ralph and the mature leader of the three stranded boys is jack.
Lord of the flies extract part 1.
The novel is about a group of boys stranded on a tropical island.
Using the extract below from lord of the flies focus on golding s use of language and how this engages and interests the reader.
The plot is about a group of british boys who are stuck on an uninhabited island and try to govern.
Lord of the flies is a 1954 novel by nobel prize winning english author william golding.
The boys arrive on the island when an airplane that was presumably evacuating them crashes.
This is the first of two extract questions for lord of the flies it takes place in the first chapter after the boys have been gathered by the call of the conch.
Lord of the flies takes place on an unnamed uninhabited tropical island in the pacific ocean during a fictional world wide war around the year 1950.
Unlike all the other boys on the island simon acts morally not out of guilt or shame but because he believes in the inherent value of morality.
But the island was 3 scorched up like dead wood.
Golding went as far as to borrow ballantyne s character names for flies.
Up until now the island has been described in a.
From the moment of their arrival the boys begin destroying the natural harmony of the island.
Lord of the flies analysing the extract the question.
Starting with this extract how does ralph s character change throughout the novel.
Lord of the flies then represents golding s vision of the reality of boys left to their own devices and is a world away from the events of the coral island.
In lord of the flies british schoolboys are stranded on a tropical island.
In an attempt to recreate the culture they left behind they elect ralph to lead with the intellectual piggy as counselor.