Evergreen above 10 degrees fahrenheit.
Lomandra longifolia breeze dwarf mat rush.
A wonderful versatile drought and salt spray tolerant alternative to.
Lomandra longifolia lm300 plant patent 15 420.
Compared to the grass trees of australia lomandra longifolia breeze displays a compact growth habit and is much smaller as it reaches 24 to 40 inches tall.
Lomandra longifolia commonly known as spiny head mat rush spiky headed mat rush or basket grass is a perennial rhizomatous herb found throughout eastern australia the leaves are 40 cm to 80 cm long and generally have a leaf of about 8 mm to 12 mm wide.
Lomandra longifolia breeze tanika dwarf mat rush is an evergreen perennial grass like plant with a fine foliage.
It can tolerate a wide variety of watering and is very drought tolerant once established.
There are very few rules in gardening but perhaps the most important one is to work within your zone.
It grows in a variety of soil types and is frost heat and drought tolerant.
Browse pictures and read growth cultivation information about lomandra dwarf mat rush longleaf matrush spiny headed matrush lomandra longifolia breeze supplied by member gardeners in the p.
Choosing plants that grow and thrive in your particular climate is the very first step toward having a beautiful garden.
Lomandra breeze is a beautiful meadow like grass that has narrow medium green evergreen blades.
A tough easy care grass like plant for mass plantings dry borders and containers.
Labillardiere described lomandra longifolia from a specimen.
Dwarf mat rush is most commonly used in mass planting under large shade trees.
It is about 24 42 tall and wide.
A wonderful versatile drought and salt spray tolerant alternative to liriope and low growing shrubs.
Commonly knows as dwarf mat rush or longleaf mat rush the lomandra longifolia breeze is loved by many because its unique and unusual appeal can beautify even less than ideal areas when using an ornamental grass in landscaping.
Breeze dwarf mat rush lomandra longifolia lm300 plant patent 15 420.
Lomandra mat rush one of our most popular native grasses lomandras are real workhorses that will find a place in any garden.
Can be used in place of lawn and will thrive in sun or partial shade.
If you have tough difficult dry outdoor sites where you think nothing will grow try a lomandra.
Lomandra longifolia breeze pp15 420 lm300 dwarf mat rush an evergreen perennial with narrow deep green strap shaped leaves that are curiously cut as though with pinking shears at the tips.