The logan 750 1 simplex elite is a multi material sizing tool trimmer and mat cutter all in one.
Logan graphics simplex elite 60 mat cutter.
The logan 760 1 simplex elite is a multi material sizing tool trimmer and mat cutter all in one.
The simplex elite available in two lengths is a sizing tool trimmer and mat cutter in one.
The simplex classic mat cutter is a base board mounted mat cutter with either 40 101cm or 60 152cm capacity.
Logan 238 complete guide to basic mat cutting.
712 mat cutter upgrade kit.
Logan 704 1 glass cutter elite.
Artists photographers framing shops and even do it yourselfers turn to logan mat cutters framing tools and foamwerks tools everyday for their art and picture framing needs.
The logan 750 1 simplex elite mat cutter is advertised as a medium duty unit for home or occasional business use.
The simplex elite mat cutter is a complete artist s studio tool for sizing mat board foam board cutting glass and acrylic plexi and can trim paper and photographs making it a multi material sizing tool with lots of uses for many different substrate types used in framing photography and.
It is substantial enough and accurate enough to meet those needs but it would not last long in a busy frame shop.
Logan 301 1 compact classic.
Of course it can also trim paper.
The 350 1 has a downsize capacity of 32 81cm.
Logan 350 1 compact elite.
The logan graphics simplex elite cutter 60 is a multi material sizing tool trimmer and mat cutter all in one.
The simplex elite mat cutter is a complete artist s studio tool for sizing mat board foam board cutting glass and acrylic plexi and can trim paper and photographs making it a multi material sizing tool with lots of uses for many different.
Logan 450 1 artist elite.
A complete artist s studio tool the simplex elite sizes mat board foam board and glass and cuts bevel opening mats plexi and acrylic material.
We have been helping our customers learn how to make beautiful artwork using our products at a fraction of the cost compared to custom frame shops.
Logan 424 1 440 1 team system plus.
The logan 750 1 simplex elite is a multi material sizing tool trimmer and mat cutter all in one.
In practice it fits this category.
The logan simplex classic is a full featured artist s level mat cutter with an economy price and is the all purpose logan mat cutting tool used by thousands of artists worldwide.
The logan 350 1 compact elite mat cutter is a versatile portable 32 81cm capacity mat cutter that provides affordable and professional results and is a more feature rich deluxe version over the 301 1 compact classic mat cutter.
Mat cutters and art framing tools.
Logan 750 1 760.
Logan 709 1 acrylic plexi cutter.
The simplex elite mat cutter is a complete artist s studio tool for sizing mat board foam board cutting glass and acrylic plexi and can trim paper and photographs making it a multi material sizing tool with lots of uses for many different substrate types used in framing photography and.