Save data to a subset of a variable y in the file myfile2 mat using the mat file object.
Load variables from mat file matlab.
If you do not specify filename the load function searches for a file named matlab mat.
The third and fourth variables topomap1 and topomap2 are both arrays containing topography data load the elevation data from the third column of each variable into a field of the structure array s for each field specify a field name that is the original variable name prefixed by elevationof.
Workspace variables do not persist after you exit matlab.
However you can save any or all the variables in the current workspace to a mat file mat you can then reuse the workspace variables later during the current matlab session or during another session by loading the saved mat file.
Load workspace variables from disk.
Mat files are double precision binary matlab format files created by the save command and readable by the load command.
Name of file specified as a character vector or string scalar.
Name of the mat file do not need mat extension if appendmat true.
Even though the file is loaded outside the for loop it shows the variable is not defined during the calculation moreover the very same variable is used in even earlier calculation.
Access specific parts of a variable in a mat file using the mat file object.
They can be created on one machine and later read by matlab on another machine with a different floating point format retaining as much accuracy and range as the disparate formats allow.
For example you can save data to a subset of a variable in a mat file or read a subset of a variable into the matlab workspace.
You can restore saved data by loading a mat file back into matlab.
Can also pass open file like object.
The workspace is not maintained across sessions of matlab when you quit matlab the workspace clears.
True to append the mat extension to the end of the given filename if not already present.
If filename has no extension that is no text after a period load looks for a file named filename mat if filename has an extension other than mat the load function treats.
I loaded the mat file and use the variables in the rest of the codes.
Dictionary in which to insert matfile variables.
Load load filename load filename x y z load filename regexp exprlist load mat filename.
Filename can include a file extension and a full or partial path.
To use your data across multiple sessions save it to a compressed file with a mat extension called a mat file.