You can get the file used in this post here.
Load specific variables from mat file.
Coming from the academia the annotations for the dataset was in the mat format.
To load a subset of variables from a mat file on the home tab in the variable section click import data.
The third and fourth variables topomap1 and topomap2 are both arrays containing topography data load the elevation data from the third column of each variable into a field of the structure array s for each field specify a field name that is the original variable name prefixed by elevationof.
Can also pass open file like object.
Save data to a subset of a variable y in the file myfile2 mat using the mat file object.
Scipy is a really popular python library used for scientific computing and quite naturally they have a method which lets you read in mat files.
Eliminate their names from the list of variables.
Now you can generate a load call that requests all remaining variables.
Name of the mat file do not need mat extension if appendmat true.
If that is the case there is nothing that can be done except you load files one by one and then rename the variable that is shared on both files and then load the next file.
Reading them in is definitely the easy part.
Load workspace variables from disk.
True to append the mat extension to the end of the given filename if not already present.
By they seem to overwrite each other do you mean there is the same variable name in those mat files.
If you do not specify filename the load function searches for a file named matlab mat.
Then you would need to go through the list of types to find which variables you do not want to load.
Access specific parts of a variable in a mat file using the mat file object.
If filename has no extension that is no text after a period load looks for a file named filename mat if filename has an extension other than mat the load function treats.
Varlist is a cell array containing the names of the four variables in topography mat.
To load saved variables from a mat file into your workspace double click the mat file in the current folder browser.
Dictionary in which to insert matfile variables.
For example you can save data to a subset of a variable in a mat file or read a subset of a variable into the matlab workspace.
Filename can include a file extension and a full or partial path.
Tj1 jul 16 12 at 7 04.
Select the mat file you want to load and click open.
Load load filename load filename x y z load filename regexp exprlist load mat filename.