If you do not specify filename the load function searches for a file named matlab mat.
Load multiple mat files matlab.
This is specifically explained in the load documentation.
Name of file specified as a character vector or string scalar.
Where files is treated as a string not a variable.
Learn more about load multiple mat files.
Load multiple mat files.
Loading multiple mat files by using for loop.
Each file is a recorded channel that contains data logged at high frequency so some files are large with a time stamp.
I am trying to load multiple mat files through a script.
Learn more about for loop mat load matlab.
However they seem to overwrite each other.
Right now it puts the same variable in all rows the first one it loads.
Do not use command form when any of the inputs such as filename are variables the easiest solution is do not use the command syntax in your code only use the function syntax and then you will never face this problem again try this instead.
I e to extract the row and columns so can anyone please help me out in this.
Instead i want them to append.
I have always used load ascii matrix mat to load an ascii matrix file in.
I am trying to subplot the same variable from each of n mat files in a folder.
I am aware that i can do something like.
The file name corresponds to the channel name allocated in a logging device.
Filename can include a file extension and a full or partial path.
I have 110 files named time1 mat time2 mat time110 mat.
I tried a nested for loop and an if condition.
I m trying to load several mat files to the workspace.
I have a multiple mat files like 100 file i need to load and extract specific data from those files.
But i think it might work if i could load each mat file sequentially and refer to the same subplot in the loop.