True to append the mat extension to the end of the given filename if not already present.
Load folder of mat files.
Name of file specified as a character vector or string scalar.
If your mat file isn t in either of the above formats it might instead be a materials file used in 3d design software.
Load load filename load filename x y z load filename regexp exprlist load mat filename.
Can also pass open file like object.
I am trying to run some code on bunch of mat files with different names which are not in sequence only the starting parts are same.
If filename has no extension that is no text after a period load looks for a file named filename mat if filename has an extension other than mat the load function treats.
They are all located in a folder called data and i want to run my program on each one of them and save accordingly to a different folder called results.
Right now it puts the same variable in all rows the first one it loads.
But i think it might work if i could load each mat file sequentially and refer to the same subplot in the loop.
The name of my mat files are in the following format.
Load workspace variables from disk.
I am new in matlab so maybe i am probably just making a silly mistake so i will greatly appreciate any assistance.
Chaos group s v ray plugin can load mat files into 3ds max and maxon cinema software.
The problem is that this kind of syntax loads the mat files as structured arrays and i need them to be load as the simple mat files they are.
End i haven t checked it yet but i have an experience in opening csv files this way.
If you do not specify filename the load function searches for a file named matlab mat.
Filename can include a file extension and a full or partial path.
Dictionary in which to insert matfile variables.
Do not use command form when any of the inputs such as filename are variables the easiest solution is do not use the command syntax in your code only use the function syntax and then you will never face this problem again try this instead.
This is specifically explained in the load documentation.
Where files is treated as a string not a variable.
Name of the mat file do not need mat extension if appendmat true.
For q 1 length mat cont load mat q name.
I tried a nested for loop and an if condition.