The main reason i do not suggest writing directly mat from c or similar is that you need to have read in the entire array first before you can send it to be written and that can be a memory problem if your files are quite big and requires a bunch of memory management to keep extending the file.
Load a bunch of mat files matlab.
For more information see command vs.
Save data to a subset of a variable y in the file myfile2 mat using the mat file object.
They are all located in a folder called data and i want to run my program on each one of them and save accordingly to a different folder called results.
To find files that match a pattern use dir.
Load load filename load filename x y z load filename regexp exprlist load mat filename.
Each file is a recorded channel that contains data logged at high frequency so some files are large with a time stamp.
Access specific parts of a variable in a mat file using the mat file object.
I am trying to run some code on bunch of mat files with different names which are not in sequence only the starting parts are same.
For example here i am saving the m file with the naming dipslab m.
To build sequential file names use sprintf.
Name of file specified as a character vector or string scalar.
Load workspace variables from disk.
For example you can save data to a subset of a variable in a mat file or read a subset of a variable into the matlab workspace.
If filename has no extension that is no text after a period load looks for a file named filename mat if filename has an extension other than mat the load function treats.
The third and fourth variables topomap1 and topomap2 are both arrays containing topography data load the elevation data from the third column of each variable into a field of the structure array s for each field specify a field name that is the original variable name prefixed by elevationof.
Extension of the new matlab file should be mat or m file.
If you do not specify filename the load function searches for a file named matlab mat.
Sample mat file program example write a matlab program to solve the mathematical calculation for example the addition of two numbers calculate the value of a.
First create the mat file object m.
Filename can include a file extension and a full or partial path.
The name of my mat files are in the following format.
Ideally i would like to end up with a table with all data combined from all mat files.
The file name corresponds to the channel name allocated in a logging device.