Project a balanced and peaceful look in your living room by having a tv over fireplace set up with a symmetrical arrangement of furniture for an easy flow of traffic.
Living room furniture placement with corner fireplace and tv.
Furniture angled with fireplace you can angle your furniture to be parallel with your fireplace.
The placement of the chair in this scenario helps clearly define the seating area with the tv as the focus and makes the fireplace a nice background feature.
Having this set up makes the fireplace and tv the focal point of the room and this also makes it easily accessible for everyone.
A fireplace is a natural focal point in any room yet when it s in a corner furniture placement becomes challenging.
This furniture arrangement is especially effective if your tv is hung over the corner fireplace.
The corner fireplace as a backdrop.
As nice as it is to have a fireplace if a choice has to be made between the fireplace and tv many times the tv will win.
The tv location defines the living room design and furniture placement so finding the best place for your tv panel is the first thing to do when you evaluate various furniture placement ideas.
Symmetrical living room layout fireplace and tv.
From here how you position your living room furniture around a fireplace and tv will depend upon the shape of your room.
Angling a sofa will take up more space in your room than having it flush against a wall so this furniture arrangement may not work in smaller living rooms.
Without the right furniture arrangement a long living room can feel like a hallway.