Rather than designing this room as one large living space consider a furniture layout that breaks up the room into two distinct areas a formal dining area and a more casual tv viewing space.
Living room furniture layout with fireplace and tv on opposite walls.
A great way to visually separate the two zones is to use an area rug in the living room.
Tv above the fireplace.
We don t use the fireplace that much but don t really want to tear it out either.
Having this set up makes the fireplace and tv the focal point of the room and this also makes it easily accessible for everyone.
In this case the tv and the fireplace are on the opposite walls and only one of them works as the focal point at a time.
From here how you position your living room furniture around a fireplace and tv will depend upon the shape of your room.
As an example if your fireplace is your focal point so you are looking for living room arrangements with a fireplace and a tv here are a few options.
Living room with tv and fireplace on opposite walls.
Here s some layout help for living rooms of all shapes.
It has a fireplace on one wall with windows on both sides and the opposite wall is meant for a tv since all the cables are there.
Without the right furniture arrangement a long living room can feel like a hallway.
Living room layout with fireplace and tv on opposite walls this layout requires a little bit more space for the furniture to be arranged along the walls.
My living room has a very weird layout please help me brainstorm some ideas on how to place the furnitures.
There s a huge rock fireplace in the living room and we currently have our tv on the opposite wall.
Living room arrangements with a fireplace and tv.
Project a balanced and peaceful look in your living room by having a tv over fireplace set up with a symmetrical arrangement of furniture for an easy flow of traffic.
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Living room with fireplace and tv on opposite walls diffe tv and fireplace on opposite walls please help 8 ways to arrange living room furniture with fireplace and tv tv and fireplace on opposite walls please help.