Made from all natural materials our standard and custom acoustic room treatments absorb sound waves preventing the echoes and reverberation that causes much of the unwanted noise at home.
Living room acoustic treatment.
The best speakers won t sound their best if your room s acoustics aren t cooperating.
But your room acoustics are the single most important factor in how good your audiophile system will sound.
Decorative acoustic panels are available but you can also use strategically chosen and placed drapes to.
Getting your room to sound great with acoustic treatment requires of a combination of 3 items.
Trust me on this i ve heard my share of high end speakers foiled by a room s harsh echoes boomy bass and.
Bass traps to absorb the low frequencies acoustic panels to absorb the mid high frequencies diffusers to scatter the remaining frequencies.
One end of the room is treated with sound absorbing materials while the other end of the room has reflective surfaces.
Add in the multitude of room shapes sizes wall construction methods and surfaces found in home studios and it becomes impossible to provide a one size fits all guide to acoustic treatment.
The subject of acoustics is regularly discussed in sos but plenty of readers still ask for the subject to be covered from a much more basic starting point.
Deal with your first order reflections bass absorption and diffraction and you can make far less expensive audiophile equipment sound better than the most premium gear if stuck in a lousy audio environment.
Broadband bass trapping systems covering the rear wall and front corners use hanging hidley panels.
Acoustic treatment setup in a surround sound mixing control room.
In a living room options for acoustic wall and ceiling treatments are usually more limited.
Incorporating room treatments in a space is often daunting because treatments make a visual as well as aural impact on a room.
The room acoustics visualizer uses both virtual reality and augmented reality which allows users to both walk through a digital environment and place digital objects in their own home.
When you sign up below you ll receive an email with an exclusive video tutorial produced by us with information on which system you should get which acoustic treatments will be most important and where you should focus.
The basic idea is rather simple.
You can reduce this unwanted noise at home with acoustic room treatments using products such as audimute s acoustic panels.