Ground wall toma como referencia sutilezas de las piedras calizas del valle del loire la textura del cemento natural y unas suaves gradaciones del barro cocido para presentar una pieza atrevida en su propuesta pero versátil en su aplicación en interiores gracias al formato 30x90cm convirtiéndola en un perfecto complemento para contemporary mixtures surfaces.
Living ceramics ground wall.
Linear format is an updated twist on a classic subway tile that takes on kitchen and bathroom walls and backsplashes with contemporary style.
Living ceramics ground wall ground w grey twist rect.
Ground wall prend comme référence la subtilité des pierres calcaires de la vallée de la loire la texture du ciment naturel et de douces gradation de la terre cuite pour présenter une pièce osée mais versatile dans son application en intérieur grâce au format 30x90cm la convertissant en complément parfait des contemporary mixtures surfaces.
Ground wall takes as a reference subtleties of the limestone of the loire valley the texture of the natural cement and a smooth gradations of the clay to present a daring piece in its proposal but versatile in its application in interiors thanks to the format 30x90cm making it a perfect complement to contemporary mixtures surfaces.
Living ceramics suministra superficies y servicios a la arquitectura el interiorismo y la construcción.
The story ground wall tile collection takes reference from the subtleties of the limestone of the loire valley the texture of natural cement and.
Living ceramics ground wall ground w grey twist rect.
Revestimiento y pavimentos cerámicos.
Living ceramics ground wall ground w cream tip rect living ceramics ground wall ground w cream tip rect colours styles enquire.
Ground wall nutzt die feinheiten von kalksteinen aus dem loiretal die struktur von natürlichem zement und die weichen abstufungen von gebranntem ton für gewagte stücke die dank dem format von 30 90 cm in innenräumen vielseitig einsetzbar sind eine perfekte ergänzung für contemporary mixtures surfaces.
Its pieces available in four luminous tones are full of.
It s a true white ceramic wall tile in a traditional design and a new modern color.