The foresters therefore clear the forest floor of excessive leaf litter and any debris of recent timber extraction operation many ortheziids as they are known live in soil or leaf litter and feed on fungi lichens mosses and plant roots the wood resin could easily come from leaf litter and forest floor debris he said.
Litter the floor meaning in hindi.
As a room in a state of litter.
Present participle of litter 2.
Litter definition objects strewn or scattered about.
T to supply with litter as cattle.
If a place is strewn with things they are lying scattered there.
To cover with litter as the floor of a stall.
Meaning pronunciation translations and examples.
Disorder or untidiness resulting from scattered rubbish or from thongs lying about uncared for.
Litter meaning in urdu in the age of digital communication it is better for any person to learn and understand multiple languages for the better communication.
Uncountable a dry substance that is put in a shallow open box for pets especially cats to use as a toilet when they are indoors cat litter also especially north american english kitty litter british english a litter tray north american english a litter box topics animals c2 countable a number of baby animals that one mother gives birth to at the same time.
To spread across an area or place untidily.
Litter meaning in urdu.
In the modern world there is a dire need of people who can communicate in different languages.
I to be supplied with litter as bedding.
Translation for litter in the free english hindi dictionary and many other hindi translations.
To sleep or make ones bed in litter.