Along with the fortify enchanting potion the fortify smithing potion is one of the greatest potions that you can create.
List of potions with required mats.
While your healing flasks auto refill at the start of every hunt if you want to benefit from the effects of any of the other brews listed below you ll need to craft em in ramsgate by speaking to markus boehr he of the excellent facial hair.
These are the ten most profitable potions that can be brewed from ingredients that are sold by apothecary merchants.
External links el s extreme anglin el s extreme anglin stuff that has been fished.
Smithing your own weapons and armour should be high on your list of things to do in skyrim if you want to be as strong as you can be.
Potion name required level mana restored health restored source ingredients or cost minor mana potion 5 140 to 180 alchemists 25 skill vendors.
It might be useful to add normal protection potions to the list because you don t necessarily have to fork out for a greater protection potion for every boss that needs resistances.
With potions alchemy is a little different from how it worked in oblivion.
The profit is calculated by subtracting the base price of the ingredients from the value of the resulting potion with 100 alchemy and no perks.
Also might want to add wizard oil and lesser mana oil because the brilliant version of those items isn t in the game until the aq patch.