In this case the liquid screed minimum thickness is 40mm.
Liquid floor screed thickness.
The floor screed thickness when floating should be 75mm minimum with no maximum for traditional sand and cement and 35mm minimum with no maximum for modified sand and cement.
An anhydrite floating floor screed has a minimum of 35mm and maximum of 80mm.
Floating liquid screed thickness minimum would be 35mm domestic 40mm commercial for both versions of the screed.
Nowadays most installers will use fibres to add strength and reinforcement to the flooring and will aim for a thickness around 75mm.
I hope that helps with liquid screed thickness.
There is one other variable which needs to be considered in liquid screed thickness and that is if the floor area is to have underfloor heating as part of the structure.
In this situation the liquid screed minimum thickness of 30mm is needed for covering the heating pipes or cables.
Modified sand and cement screeds can go up to whatever thickness you would like however you would question doing so if you are starting to get up to 150mm 200mm.
Liquid screed thickness with underfloor heating.
Minimum thickness for truflow pumped screed minimum thickness mm floor type bonded 25 unbonded 30 floating 40 over conduits and heating pipes 25 for all floor types abrupt changes in screed thickness should always be avoided as these may lead to the formation of cracks.
At those kind of depths you would using void formers insulation and then screed on top.
If you need any further information we would be happy to answer any questions you may have.