Novel room temperature inorganic ionic liquids liyi dai center for the chemistry of ionic liquids east china normal university shanghai 200062 p.
Liquid at room temperature organic or inorganic.
Terms in this set 10 inorganic.
Generally soluble in nonpolar solvents and most are not soluble in water.
First synthesis of ultra thin graphitic materials at room temperature using organic fuels.
Phosphonium cations are less common but offer some advantageous properties.
Most liquid or gas at room temperature.
Liquid metals break down organic fuels into ultra thin graphitic sheets.
Functional organic liquids a new concept in soft matter materials science exhibit favorable properties compared to amorphous polymers and ionic liquids.
Low melting point and boiling point.
Mostly liquid or gas at room temperature.
A wide range of anions are employed ranging from simple halides which generally suffer high melting points to inorganic.
They are composed of a functional core unit and a side chain which induces fluidity even at room temperature.
Organic and inorganic compounds properties 21 terms.
Generally soluble in non polar solvents and most are not soluble.
Low melting point and boiling point.
Typical properties of organic and inorganic compounds 8 terms.