The lintellift system fixes this issue by adding support underneath the sagging lintel.
Lintel over garage door.
Lintellift is a patented system created to be installed either during construction to prevent sagging in the future or after a lintel has begun to sag.
Lintels are horizontal members which are placed across an opening to support the portion of the structure above it.
The function of a lintel is the same as a.
First thing to do is hire an acrow bar from andy hire and get that brick work back to it s level position supported.
When a garage door lintel fails it causes the brick wall being supported to sag leaving a noticeable crack right above the garage door.
The lintellift system is a patented product that ensures garage door lintels or headers won t sag.
It s in quite a dangerous state.
It is a comprehensive system designed and tested to guarantee a proper and permanent repair of a sagging garage lintel.
The inspector noticed that a steel plate acting as lintel beam is running over the garage door to support the brick layer above but it ended up 3.
While sagging lintels is not a problem that every garage will have many garage lintels that support heavy brickwork and that are expose to environmental condition changes will see the support weaken over time it is.