The integra lightweight concrete intertenancy system is a proprietary high performance wall system that provides you tested systems for resistance to horizontal fire and acoustic separation between adjacent tenancies in the same building.
Lightweight concrete floor systems.
Whether it s one story or fifteen the recipe is very simple.
Roof systems lightweight concrete and screeds allows architects and building contractors greater versatility in design and performance of a flat concrete roof or deck.
Inex floor inex floor is a high strength lightweight internal or external flooring sheet with tongue and grooved t g edges for a neat secure surface.
With the new tindall superior lightweight all purpose beam t slab that revolution has finally arrived.
Precast concrete floor systems have been waiting for a revolution.
Come explore the benefits of this cutting edge floor system and discover how t slab could reshape your future projects.
Concrete floor leveling gypsum flooring for radiant heat lightweight concrete roof decks waterproof deck coatings having worked on hundreds of high profile projects you can count on insul flow s experienced highly trained.
Specific types of lightweight aggregates make varying forms of lightweight concrete.
The pumice provides both in built insulation and a 40 weight reduction compared to standard precast concrete.
Speedflooris a lightweight suspended concrete floor system that is quick and easy to install.
This composition makes aac highly suitable for pre casting and reshaping.
These vary from lightweight aggregate concrete foamed concrete or autoclaved aerated concrete aac.
An extensive range of joist depths and topping thicknesses that will satisfy loading and fire requirements offer contractors and end users an efficient and cost effective suspended concrete floor.
There are various lightweight concrete floor systems which can be selected based on the requirements of the structure the prevalent ones are solid lightweight concrete floor and composite lightweight concrete floor.
Litecrete lightweight precast concrete is manufactured using local pumice aggregate.
So quick and easy to install speedfloor is a lightweight cost effective system that s perfect for multi storied residential or commercial buildings and parking garages.
The aggregates used in aac are extremely fine even smaller than a grain of sand.
The product can be used in both residential and commercial construction.
Take sufficient quantity of speedfloor add structural steel or concrete supports mix concrete and pour.
Primarily designed as a substrate material however inex floor s smooth surface can and has been adopted as a floor finish in itself to deliver a polished concrete floor like appearance.