The hexadecimal rgb code of turquoise color is 40e0d0 and the decimal is rgb 64 224 208.
Light turquoise blue color code.
Turquoise color codes chart.
The red green blue components are 40 64 red e0 224 green and d0 208 blue.
Turquoise rgb color code 40e0d0 64 65536 224 256 208 64 224 208.
40e0d0 hex color red value is 64 green value is 224 and the blue value of its rgb is 208.
Cylindrical coordinate representations also known as hsl of color 40e0d0 hue.
The process color four color cmyk of 40e0d0 color hex is 0 71 0 00 0.
0 72 and the lightness value of 40e0d0 is 0 56.
In a rgb color space hex 08e8de also known as bright turquoise is composed of 3 1 red 91 green and 87 1 blue.
40e0d0 color name is turquoise color.
Blue hex rgb color code 0000ff 0 65536 0 256 255 0 0 255.
Blue rgb color code.
For example in the color red the color code is ff0000 which is 255 red 0 green and 0 blue.
Whereas in a cmyk color space it is composed of 96 6 cyan 0 magenta 4 3 yellow and 9 black.
40e0d0 color rgb value is 64 224 208.
These color codes can change the color of the background text and tables on a web page.
Html rgb blue colors.