Light steel infill walls a g j way meng ceng mice technical information sheet ed013 infill walling is the generic name given to external walls that are built between the floors of the primary structural frame of a building and which provide support for the cladding system.
Light steel infill walls.
There are three generic types of light steel external wall systems.
Infill walls do not support floor loads but they.
Applies to primary structural and secondary components including external infill lsf walls.
However these are more time consuming than modern alternatives and have been largely replaced by lightweight steel c sections that span between floors and around openings.
The construction process is dry so that shrinkage and other drying out problems are eliminated.
The benefits of light steel infill walls are.
Modular construction is a special case.
Light steel walls using c sections are increasingly.
The c section size and spacing selected depend on the structural requirements.
Light steel infill walls are used extensively on a range of building types and are an economic and efficient method of providing an external wall capable of resisting wind loads and supporting a range of cladding types.
Infill walls continuous walls panelised systems.
In all cases aqua board is used as an external sheathing board but may also be used internally in bathrooms and other wet areas etc.
Light weight speed and ease of installation are important constructional benefits.
Traditionally infill panel walls used brick masonry or timber.
Rapid installation allows other activities within the building to proceed much earlier than would be possible with block work infill walls.
All solutions are designed and engineered specifically to suit your project requirements by our in house technical team.
Types of infill panel walls.
Applies to warm frame and hybrid construction.
The use of light steel external wall systems may be applied to any type of framed construction in steel or concrete.
Metek offer a full range of external walling solutions manufactured from cold formed galvanised light steel members for usage infill and continuous external walls.
Infill walls are considered to be non load bearing but they resist wind loads applied to the façade and also support their own weight and that of the cladding.
Light steel infill walls use vertical c sections referred to as studs that span between the floors of the primary frame and around openings.
Infill walls are designed on a project specific basis to form the inner leaf of an external façade.
Infill walling is the generic name given to a panel that is built in between the floors of the primary structural frame of a building and provides support for the cladding system.