Phlebotomy tubes with green top contain sodium herapin lithium herapin and ammonium herapin all of which are coated in the inside of the tube.
Light green top tube phlebotomy.
Send whole blood in a royal blue top.
Protime and prothrombin full drawn.
Phlebotomy tubes and order of draw.
Study answer these phlebotomy tubes tests additives flashcards flashcards at proprofs the study learn and revise phlebotomy tubes tests additives with our quiz based flashcards.
Coagulation tests pt and ptt full draw required.
Send whole blood in a green top tube.
Lavender or pink top tubes potassium edta 6.
Tubes or bottles for blood cultures 2.
Purple top or lavender.
Send whole blood in a yellow top tube.
The following order of draw is an accepted laboratory standard.
Light blue top tube 1 8 ml na citrate light blue top tube 2 7 ml na citrate 4.
Serum no additive or sodium heparin white top order of the draw.
Here are the key terms definitions and much more related to the topic of phlebotomy tubes tests additives which is simple and easy to learn with our flashcards.
Some royal blue top tubes do not contain edta.
They may have a green and gray stopper light green shield as well as the green shield stopper.
From the additive in the preceding tube.
Blood culture tubes are usually at the top of the order of draw to avoid contamination of the blood collected.
Serum tubes with or without clot activator 4.
Red top tube 5 ml clot activator 5.
Uses of light blue top.
Edta whole blood or plasma.
Contains sodium edta for trace metal studies.
Since tubes with clot activators can interfere with the results tubes with light blue stopper or shield must be used before those that have red gray stopper gray yellow stopper gold shield red shield and orange shield tubes.
Chemistries additive sodium citrate.
Green top tube 4 ml only na heparin available at university of iowa hospitals and clinics.
Green top tubes sodium or lithium heparin 5.
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Contains acid citrate dextrose acd solution.
These tubes are used to test ammonia and blood chemistry levels.
The herapin anticoagulant activates antithrombins that block the coagulation cascade and produce a plasma sample or whole blood.
These tubes contain heparin as an additive and may come with or without a gel plasma separator.
Uses of light green tube.
Start studying collection tubes phlebotomy.