However most apatite stones have visible inclusions.
Light green stone with purple spots.
It is called kiwi stone because it is reportedly from new zealand.
Green gemstones and metals.
For example white metals such as platinum silver or white gold give a contemporary look to green gemstones while rose gold offers a unique vintage look.
Prehnite is a silicate derived from calcium and aluminum.
Dark stone blending black grey and brown colors with cream specks.
Clear with green black inclusions.
Matteo chinellato chinellatophoto getty images.
Typical botryoidal clusters of bottle green prehnite crystals.
It can frequently be found in botryoidal clusters in pockets along with zeolite minerals.
In general a pure green hue is the most desirable and more expensive.
It is composed of quartzite and the black spots are flakes of chlorite.
Green gemstones go well with all metal colors but the metal color can affect the style of the jewelry.
Grey smoky color with blue green.
Green gems may have blue or yellow secondary hues present.
Some people call it jasper but that name is incorrect.
Translucent grey color with occasional banding.
For secondary hues most people prefer a hint of blue to a yellowish green stone.
The mineral has a light bottle green color and is translucent with a glassy luster.
Charoite is a light lavender to deep purple silicate mineral that has swirling fibrous or spotted patterns.
Often an opaque green stone its nickname is transvaal jade because it looks like jade and is found in the transvaal area of south africa.
It is a rare and relatively new gem material discovered in russia in 1978.